Music Projects


Daegu project

Daegu’s young artists bring color to world with jazz.

Adelaide project, Bolzano project, Concepción project, Daegu project, Glasgow project, Kansas City project, Leiria project, London project, Norrköping project, Port Louis project

Jazz Day video relay 2024

Daegu project

UNESCO Creative City of Music Daegu Global Forum 2023

Daegu project

Daegu and Hanover Creative Cities of Music Exchange Concert

Daegu project

2023 Solasian Youth Orchestra in Daegu

Daegu project

Daegu classical ensemble VIA TRIO in Katowice and Llíria

Daegu project

The four parts of the Ring Cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) by Nationaltheater Mannheim, Germany at the 19th Daegu International Opera Festival

Daegu project

Regeneration of Industrial Facilities into Cultural Space