

UNESCO City of Music

since 2023

Şanlıurfa: The Legendary City of Music and Culture

Modern meets classic, old meets new, industry meets agriculture, history meets culture, art meets tourism in the 12,000 years old legendary city of Şanlıurfa. This ancient city is rich not only in history and culture but also in music.

Şanlıurfa is a city where faith and cultures are born, where civilizations converge. It is the starting point of history, where the first wheat was sown, where architecture and divine religions were first shaped in temples. Archaeological excavations have rewritten history, and this city, with its historical and cultural riches, is aptly called an “Open-Air Museum.”

Historical and Touristic Riches

Şanlıurfa has hosted many civilizations throughout history and has gained its richness by blending different cultures. With its physical, historical, and cultural assets, the city has a high potential for various tourism activities. Şanlıurfa is such a city that wherever you touch, history springs forth. As a sacred city, Şanlıurfa, with its tangible and intangible cultural heritage, is also an “Open-Air Museum.”

The City of Music: Şanlıurfa

Şanlıurfa Folk Music, with its rich melodies, abundant lyrics, numerous works, and high-quality systematic performance, holds a distinguished position in Turkish Folk Music. This music, integrated with the unique vocal tones and regional dialects of the local artists, opens the door to a world of beauty in our country. In Şanlıurfa’s music culture, Urfa Sıra Gecesi (Urfa Sıra Gecesi is a traditional cultural event in Şanlıurfa featuring music, dance, and local cuisine, celebrated with communal participation and performances by local musicians) and “sıra geceleri” (Traditional Sohbet meetings play a special role. Groups that meet once a week in homes and those that go to the countryside for several days include musicians and singers). These nights feature conversations and systematic music performances in the master-apprentice tradition, where young people receive their first music education and discipline.

Şanlıurfa Folk Music products are of high artistic value, deeply affecting the listener with their emotional and heartfelt compositions. The Urfa Melodies, where feelings, thoughts, love, suffering, happiness, and other aspects of life are finely woven into songs, hoyrats, and gazelles, are loved and enjoyed by the music community and the masses.

Traditional Sohbet Meetings

Traditional sohbet meetings are another cultural richness of Şanlıurfa. These meetings play a crucial role in transmitting Turkish folk literature, folk dances and music, village plays, and societal values. Turkish men meet regularly indoors, especially in winter, to discuss local social and cultural issues, safeguard traditions, and encourage solidarity, mutual respect, and a sense of community. Meetings may include music, dances, and plays, all enjoyed while consuming local dishes. A traditional sohbet meeting may last until the early morning.

Meetings are open to men above the age of 15 or 16, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or status, with the basic requirement that members be of honest families, trustworthy, respectful of their elders, and not engage in gambling or public drunkenness. Members may be penalized with a fine for missing a meeting, except under extenuating circumstances. Mothers and wives encourage male members to attend because of the associated social and cultural benefits. Communities usually comprise five to thirty persons and are guided by leaders, appointed by election or proposed by elders. All members of the community have equal rights and commitments. The sohbet meetings fulfill an important educational function by transferring ethical values such as social justice, tolerance, benevolence, and respect.

Cultural and Economic Heritage

As the Metropolitan Municipality, we are committed to passing our ancient history and culture to future generations. We see it as our greatest duty to protect the tangible and intangible heritage of Urfa, which possesses a unique cultural and socio-economic legacy. To best plan, evaluate, and design Şanlıurfa’s rich heritage, we collaborate with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Governorship, creating new visions according to UNESCO’s criteria.


Şanlıurfa, with its historical and cultural accumulation, is a city that has entered the world cultural heritage. We support all efforts to protect our cultural heritage, develop tourism awareness in society, stimulate domestic tourism, and ensure the participation of people in tourism activities. Şanlıurfa’s rich cultural heritage, music, and historical values will continue to enchant its visitors.


Elif Esra ONAL
Head of Foreign Relations Department 
Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality
UCCN Focal Point

E-mail: creativecity@sanliurfa.bel.tr
T: +904143185126
M: +905302755499
Website: www.musicurfa.com.tr

Şanlıurfa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 
Bamyasuyu Mahallesi 154. Sokak No:2 Kat:12
Haliliye / Şanlıurfa/ Turkiye

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