

UNESCO City of Music

since 2012

Bogota was designated as a Creative City of Music by UNESCO in March 2012, thanks to the diversity of its traditional, popular and urban expressions and a strong academic and avant-garde music movement. The result of this richness is a consolidated offer of festivals, artistic education programs, cultural facilities equipped for small, medium and large live performances, and a diverse scene that positions Bogota as a visible platform in international circuits.

This offer – deeply correlated with the vibrant ways in which our citizens live and connect with music through their daily routines – provides an environment to promote dialogues, creation and exchanges in the music industry, while attracting an increasing number of international agents, eager to connect with our local experience.

The musical creation of the city keeps thriving through programs promoted by the cultural public sector (Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Sports; Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogota; The District Institute of Arts; Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation) and the private Sector (Music Cluster of Bogota Chamber of Commerce, private promoters , venues and agents). These initiatives are aligned with the city’s cultural policies and many of them are created jointly with other sectors of the local administration, such as Economic Development, Education, Environment and Gender, We’re also aware of the social and economic impact that music has in our territory, and we have conducted surveys and research at various levels to determinate that music is a catalyst of our cultural and creative economy.


Focal Point:

Natalia Sefair
Advisor for international affairs and cooperation 
Secretariat of Culture and Sports, Bogota City Hall 
Mobile: + 57 3204488593


Facts and Figures

Capital of Colombia

The region was was home to the Muisca nation, whose mythic relationship with gold gave birth to El Dorado legend, before Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada founded the City in 1538.

Located at an altitude of 2600 mts., Bogota is the 4th largest City in Latin America.

City District covers 1776 km² of which 307 km² are urban area. The City’s rural area is part of the Páramo de Sumapaz, world’s largest continuous paramo (moorland) ecosystem.

Population (City)

Population (City Region)

Latest Music Projects

Bogota project